Valley View Assembly of God (VVAG), invites you to join us!
When: Friday, April 19, 2024 - Saturday, April 20, 2024
Where: Cedar Valley Church, Bloomington, MN
What to Expect:
- The Equip Conference is designed to encourage, empower, and resource pastors and volunteer leaders to fulfill their purpose within the local church, developing a network of quality Christian leaders and healthy faith communities.
- Learn more by visiting the MN AG District Website.
Who is Invited:
- Everyone that attends VVAG.
How much does it cost?
- Admission into the conference is free. The cost has been paid for by VVAG.
- You will be responsible for the cost of transportation, hotel, and meals.
How do I sign up?
- There is an interest form located at the Information Center in the church foyer.
- It's nice to know who is going so that we can plan on carpooling, split hotel cost, and meet up while at the conference.
Contact the Church Office with questions.