Have you been called to get more involved here at Valley View AG?
If you are a natural leader and enjoy sharing the word of God with others, consider becoming a Ministry Leader!
If you are a team player that loves serving the Lord with your brothers and sisters in Christ, consider joining a ministry!
As of 8/18/24, Our church ministry leaders are looking for volunteers to add to our teams!
Ministry Needs
Awana Kids Program - Need volunteers for staff and leadership roles on Wednesday nights starting September 18 through the end of the 2025 school year.
Children's Church - Looking for volunteers age 6th grade through adults.
We are looking for anyone with musical talent, any special skills(puppeteering, dress up, etc), helpers, fill in leader, craft and activity ideas(background).
Beyond that, prayer warriors are encouraged to pray for a successful program.
Communications -
Looking for adults that would be willing to role play in a few promotional videos for various ministries here at VVAG.
Looking for youth and adults willing to learn social media, sharing announcements, and much more. This would be a great opportunity to add to your resume!
Lawn Care - We need a volunteer that would be willing to lead and oversee this ministry going forward.
Music -
Choir: Looking for people ages 15 and older to join our new choir ministry!
Instrumental/Worship: Looking for youth and adults to do special music and play on the Sunday worship team.
Nursery - Need volunteers to care of kids under 3 years old on Sundays during service! All volunteers need to pass a background check.
Sound - We need a few volunteers to learn how to run the sound booth on Sundays, and start a rotating schedule.
Ushers - Need volunteers to direct attendees, assist with seating, collect offerings, and provide assistance to those in need.
Church Needs
Church Maintenance
Need volunteers who are handy that can help fix the crosses outside and the church sign on the street.
Need volunteers who can stand on a ladder and clean out the church gutters.
To submit your interest in any of our ministries listed above, complete our Ministry Interest Form
You can also email or call the church office to express interest.
Ministry Teams
Children's Church
Church Maintenance
Communications (Announcements, Promotions, Social Media, Etc.)
Kids Summer Camp
Kids Program - Awana
Life Groups (Leaders and Hosts)
Local Community Outreach
Meal Train
Missions Abroad
Music - (Choir, Instrumental, Worship)
Offering Reader
Offering Counter
Teen Youth Program - Saved with Amazing Grace (S.W.A.G)
VVAG reserves the right to complete a background check for any applicants when interested in joining our Ministry Leadership Team or Children's Ministries.
VVAG also requires at least six months of regular church attendance before being considered for leadership, and certain ministry work. If you have questions, please contact the church office.